To schedule any of our services please call to set up an appointment. Phone: (928) 213-1040 Fax: (928) 213-1042
At   Performance   Reporters   we   take   care   to   provide   our   customers   high   quality services   personalized   for   their   unique   needs.   We   are   available   to   take   your order   24   hours   a   day,   7   days   a   week.   Our   staff   members   are   professional, courteous and efficient.
Services Performance Reporters


All   our   reporters   are   highly-skilled   senior   reporters   having been   in   the   field   in   excess   of 25   years.      We   offer   a   variety of    formats for    transcripts,    including    condensed    formats, PDF,   E-Transcript   files,   and ASCII,   and   are   always   willing   to expedite   delivery   to   any   time   schedule   to   meet   your   needs.     When   you   say   "Jump",   we   say,   "How   high?"      Real-time hookups and rough drafts are also available upon request.


The    use    of    audio    recording    systems    in    our    courts    are becoming     more     and     more     common.          Performance Reporters    is    the    place    to    have    your    audio    transcribed.      Unlike     other     transcriptionists     who     try     to     make     their transcripts    "look"    accurate    by    leaving    out    the    inaudible portions,      Performance      Reporters      includes      notations wherever   something   is   spoken,   but   not   audible,   enabling you   to   use   not   only   what   is   heard   on   the   recording,   but   also what is not.


Whether    you    want    to    conference    in    somewhere    else through     our     high-quality     videoconferencing     system     or simply   have   your   deposition   preserved   by   a   Certified   Legal Videographer,    Performance    Reporters    can    accommodate your   needs.      Our   conference   rooms   are   specifically   painted and   decorated   to   provide   the   best   acoustics   and   picture quality    for    preserving    your    proceeding.        Our    rooms    are clean   and   comfortable   and   are   available   at   no   cost   when you utilize our services. CAPTIONING SERVICES:   Provides     captioning     services     for     television     broadcast, online   streaming,   and   live   events,   including   conventions, meetings,   and   classrooms,   remotely   or   onsite   in   Northern Arizona.   Our   veteran   staff   has   extensive   experience   in   all many   different   types   of   captioning.   Our   clients   enjoy   the best     value     for     their     money     and     a     better     customer experience    with    fast    response    times    and    offer    different approaches    to    your    unique    situations.            Performance Reporters    enjoys    a    quality    reputation    and    welcome    any client    who    has    a    captioning    need,    including    television stations,    public    and    private    companies,    non-profit    and government    agencies,    meeting    planners,    municipalities, educational and religious institutions, and producers.